Member-only story
Life Is a Lot More Like Poker Than You Think
The first time I played poker at a casino was in New Orleans in 2014. I was with my buddy Nathan who, I didn’t know at the time but would soon learn, was quite the poker aficionado. We strolled through the Roman Empire-style entryway of the building and onto the floor with a sea of slot machines and other things you’d see in an Ocean’s 11 movie (minus Brad Pitt and George Clooney).
Nathan b-lined toward the table games. I’m half-buzzed and kind of a sucker for flashing lights and shiny objects, so after grabbing a Yeungling from the bar, it takes every ounce of willpower not to wander off. Nathan keeps me focused and quickly finds us a Texas Hold’em table with just a few others seated and playing.
I size up the crowd and immediately determine they’re all chumps and I’m going to take all of their money. I buy in with $200 that I have no desire to lose and get the party started.
My first hand is pocket 10’s. I’m excited but also a bluff master, so I choose to slow-game it and pretend like I don’t have anything special. I call the blind and wait for the first three cards. I’m disheartened when nothing favorable for me comes from the flop, but apparently the middle-aged man across from me wearing a cowboy hat struck gold. He raises more than I’m comfortable losing and I fold. No big deal, I’ll get ’em next time.