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Member-only story

A Blind Squirrel Finds A Nut Every Once In A While

Jason Gutierrez


In college, my friends and I used to play a lot of pick-up basketball. One of my friends used to have this saying that:

“…even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.”

Maybe you’ve heard it before.

What it meant for us was that even when we were having an off-day (missing most of our shots), sooner or later the ball was going to drop in the net.

It might not be the best philosophy for professional basketball players, but for us, it gave us the confidence we needed to stay in the game. No matter how down on ourselves we felt, one of us would encourage the other to just keep shooting.

Because sooner or later you’re going to find that acorn.

Funny enough, this is kind of how writing works.

I fully don’t expect everything I write to be a masterpiece. I know I don’t shit gold. In fact, I don’t even expect most of what I write to be good.

Sure, sometimes I write things that do really well, but the vast majority of the time my articles don’t go viral, and I feel like what I’m putting out there is just OK. But THAT, is ‘just OK’ too.

I talk to a lot of other creatives, including people who want to do creative things but are too scared to start or share…



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