8 Lessons on Writing and Life I Learned from Seth Godin and Tim Ferriss

Jason Gutierrez
3 min readApr 22, 2024
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Last week, I listened to a podcast between Seth Godin and Tim Ferris.

Both are savvy entrepreneurs and prolific writers, but one couldn’t be more different from the other.

Seth is a master of short, insightful writing. He publishes on his blog every day, and each post can be read in between a couple of bites of cereal.

Tim, on the other hand, is a long-form wizard. His blog posts and books are published farther apart, but they’re always packed with value.

The conversation between the two was intriguing. I chose to listen to it because I was looking for something to spark some new ideas. It delivered.

These are my 8 biggest takeaways from the podcast.

  1. Be consistent. Seth has written 8500+ daily blog posts. That’s more than 20 years without missing a beat, which is absolutely insane. Much of his success can be attributed to his unwavering consistency. He writes his posts in batches so that, even if he gets a stomach bug, something always gets published.
  2. Commit. Seth says his brain works differently when he knows he HAS to write the next day. It starts searching for ideas the day before, always on the lookout for an insightful or relatable story. And there’s no negotiating…



Jason Gutierrez

Engineer. Papa. I share short essays and stories on careers, life, and the creative process 🖊: https://parttimewriting.beehiiv.com/subscribe